Mastering the Duo, A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Yumi Sin and Fitting Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – Delve into the captivating world of League of Legends with this in-depth guide to handling Yumi Sin and fitting Kitty. Discover their strengths, weaknesses, and the strategies that will lead you to victory.

Unveiling the secrets of these champions, we’ll explore their roles, abilities, and synergies, empowering you to dominate the battlefield.

Handling Yumi Sin

Yumi Sin is a formidable champion in League of Legends known for her high mobility, burst damage, and ability to shred armor. Mastering Yumi Sin requires a deep understanding of her strengths, weaknesses, and effective strategies.


  • High Mobility: Yumi Sin’s passive grants her increased movement speed after using an ability, allowing her to quickly engage or disengage from fights.
  • Burst Damage: Yumi Sin’s Q and R abilities deal significant burst damage, making her a threat to squishy targets.
  • Armor Shredding: Yumi Sin’s E ability reduces the armor of nearby enemies, amplifying the damage output of her team.


  • Squishy: Yumi Sin has low health and armor, making her vulnerable to burst damage.
  • Mana Dependent: Yumi Sin’s abilities consume a significant amount of mana, limiting her extended engagements.
  • Short Range: Yumi Sin’s abilities have a relatively short range, requiring her to get close to enemies to deal damage.

Tips for Effective Gameplay

  • Maximize Mobility: Utilize Yumi Sin’s passive to maximize her mobility, allowing for quick repositioning and escapes.
  • Prioritize Targets: Focus on squishy targets with Yumi Sin’s burst damage, eliminating high-value champions from team fights.
  • Armor Shredding Synergy: Coordinate with teammates who deal physical damage to amplify the effectiveness of Yumi Sin’s armor shredding.

Strategies for Specific Champions and Team Compositions

  • Against Tanky Teams: Consider building items like Black Cleaver and Lord Dominik’s Regards to increase armor penetration.
  • Against High Burst Damage: Prioritize defensive items like Sterak’s Gage and Maw of Malmortius to mitigate burst damage.
  • Against Mobile Champions: Focus on using Yumi Sin’s E to slow down highly mobile enemies, limiting their ability to escape.

Fitting Kitty

Kitty is a versatile champion in League of Legends who excels in the jungle role. She possesses a unique set of abilities that allow her to gank effectively, clear jungle camps quickly, and provide vision control.

Ability Overview, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

  • Q- Bouncing Blades: Kitty throws a dagger that bounces between nearby enemies, dealing damage and slowing them.
  • W- Vault: Kitty leaps over a target, dealing damage and stunning them if they are isolated.
  • E- Tail-Whip: Kitty whips her tail, dealing damage to nearby enemies and granting her attack speed.
  • R- Death Lotus: Kitty channels for a short duration, becoming untargetable and throwing multiple daggers in a wide area, dealing damage to enemies hit.

Strategies for Utilizing Kitty’s Abilities

Kitty’s abilities can be used in a variety of ways to maximize her effectiveness in the jungle.

  • Ganking:Kitty’s Q and W abilities allow her to gank effectively. She can use Q to slow and damage enemies, and then use W to stun them for a follow-up attack.
  • Jungle Clearing:Kitty’s E ability grants her attack speed, which helps her clear jungle camps quickly. She can also use her Q ability to bounce between multiple targets, damaging them all at once.
  • Vision Control:Kitty’s R ability can be used to provide vision control in the jungle. She can channel Death Lotus in a bush or other strategic location to reveal any enemies hiding there.

Building Kitty for Optimal Performance

Kitty can be built in a variety of ways, depending on the enemy team composition and the player’s preferences. However, there are some core items that are typically included in her build.

  • Runes:Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, Relentless Hunter
  • Mythic Item:Divine Sunderer
  • Other Items:Black Cleaver, Sterak’s Gage, Death’s Dance

This build provides Kitty with a balance of damage, durability, and mobility, allowing her to be a versatile and effective jungler.

Synergy between Yumi Sin and Kitty: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Yumi Sin and Kitty are two champions in League of Legends that have a strong synergy in both lane and team fights. Yumi Sin’s ability to dash in and out of combat, combined with Kitty’s ability to heal and shield her allies, makes them a formidable duo.In

lane, Yumi Sin can use her dash to engage on enemy champions, while Kitty can use her heal to keep her alive. This allows Yumi Sin to trade favorably and snowball her lead. Once Yumi Sin has a lead, she can use her ultimate to engage on enemy champions from a distance, while Kitty can use her shield to protect her from incoming damage.

This combination can be very effective in team fights, as it allows Yumi Sin to focus on dealing damage while Kitty keeps her alive.Here are some examples of successful plays involving both champions:* In one game, Yumi Sin used her dash to engage on the enemy ADC, while Kitty used her heal to keep her alive.

Yumi Sin was able to kill the enemy ADC, and Kitty’s shield protected her from the enemy support’s damage.In another game, Yumi Sin used her ultimate to engage on the enemy team, while Kitty used her shield to protect her from incoming damage.

Yumi Sin was able to deal a lot of damage to the enemy team, and Kitty’s shield kept her alive long enough for her team to follow up and secure the victory.Overall, Yumi Sin and Kitty are a strong synergy in both lane and team fights.

Their ability to engage on enemy champions, heal each other, and protect each other from damage makes them a formidable duo.

Itemization for Yumi Sin and Kitty

Itemization is crucial for optimizing the performance of Yumi Sin and Kitty in League of Legends. By carefully selecting items that complement their abilities and synergize with their playstyles, players can enhance their damage output, survivability, and overall impact on the game.

Recommended Items for Yumi Sin

Item Benefits Drawbacks
Kraken Slayer – Grants bonus true damage on every third attack

  • Provides attack speed and critical strike chance
  • Stacks well with Yumi Sin’s high attack speed
– Can be expensive

Requires a few stacks to become fully effective

Infinity Edge – Significantly increases critical strike damage

  • Synergizes with Kraken Slayer to maximize true damage output
  • Improves Yumi Sin’s burst potential
– High cost

Requires a high critical strike chance to be effective

Navori Quickblades – Reduces the cooldown of Yumi Sin’s abilities

  • Provides bonus critical strike chance and ability haste
  • Enhances Yumi Sin’s mobility and damage potential
– Can be situational

May not be as effective against teams with low mobility

Bloodthirster – Grants lifesteal and a shield based on lifesteal

  • Improves Yumi Sin’s sustain and survivability
  • Synergizes with Yumi Sin’s high attack speed
– Can be expensive

May not be as effective against teams with high burst damage

Mortal Reminder – Provides armor penetration and grievous wounds

  • Reduces healing on enemy champions
  • Useful against teams with high sustain or healing
– Can be situational

May not be as effective against teams without healing

Recommended Items for Kitty

Item Benefits Drawbacks
Moonstone Renewer – Grants bonus healing and shielding power to allies

  • Provides ability haste and mana regeneration
  • Synergizes with Kitty’s ability to heal and shield
– Can be expensive

May not be as effective against teams with high burst damage

Staff of Flowing Water – Increases healing and shielding power on allies

  • Provides mana regeneration and ability haste
  • Enhances Kitty’s support capabilities
– Can be situational

May not be as effective against teams with low healing or shielding

Ardent Censer – Grants bonus attack speed and on-hit damage to allies

  • Provides ability haste and mana regeneration
  • Improves the damage output of Kitty’s team
– Can be expensive

May not be as effective against teams with high mobility

Mikael’s Blessing – Grants bonus healing and shielding power to allies

  • Provides a cleanse effect to remove crowd control from allies
  • Useful against teams with heavy crowd control
– Can be expensive

May not be as effective against teams without crowd control

Chemtech Putrifier – Provides grievous wounds to reduce healing on enemy champions

  • Grants bonus healing and shielding power to allies
  • Useful against teams with high sustain or healing
– Can be situational

May not be as effective against teams without healing

Situational Itemization Recommendations

The optimal itemization for Yumi Sin and Kitty can vary depending on the enemy team composition. Here are some situational itemization recommendations:

  • -*Against teams with high mobility

    Consider items like Navori Quickblades or Stormrazor to enhance Yumi Sin’s mobility and chase potential.

  • -*Against teams with high burst damage

    Prioritize items like Bloodthirster or Maw of Malmortius to improve Yumi Sin’s survivability.

  • -*Against teams with heavy crowd control

    Consider items like Mikael’s Blessing or Quicksilver Sash to cleanse crowd control and protect Yumi Sin.

  • -*Against teams with high sustain or healing

    Consider items like Mortal Reminder or Chemtech Putrifier to reduce enemy healing and enhance Yumi Sin’s damage output.

Runes for Yumi Sin and Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

The optimal rune setups for Yumi Sin and Kitty enhance their strengths and playstyles, allowing them to dominate the Rift. This guide explores the impact of each rune, providing insights into their strategic choices.

Yumi Sin Runes

Yumi Sin’s runes focus on maximizing his damage output and mobility. The primary rune path, Precision, grants him bonus attack speed, critical strike chance, and a potent keystone rune, Lethal Tempo. This keystone significantly increases his attack speed over time, enhancing his burst damage and sustained DPS.

The secondary rune path, Domination, provides additional damage and utility. Cheap Shot grants bonus damage on immobilizing enemies, while Eyeball Collection stacks up to 10 times, offering bonus attack damage. Ravenous Hunter sustains Yumi Sin in extended fights, restoring health based on physical damage dealt.

  • Precision:Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace
  • Domination:Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter

Kitty Runes

Kitty’s runes emphasize tankiness and crowd control. The primary rune path, Resolve, grants her bonus health, armor, and tenacity. Guardian, the keystone rune, shields an allied champion when they are attacked, making Kitty a formidable protector.

The secondary rune path, Inspiration, provides additional utility. Perfect Timing reduces the cooldown of her stopwatch, allowing her to intervene in critical situations. Biscuit Delivery sustains her in lane, while Cosmic Insight grants bonus cooldown reduction for all her abilities.

  • Resolve:Guardian, Font of Life, Bone Plating, Overgrowth
  • Inspiration:Perfect Timing, Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight

Skill Leveling Order

Skill leveling order significantly influences Yumi Sin and Kitty’s lane presence and overall effectiveness. Prioritizing certain skills enhances their abilities and synergy.

Yumi Sin

Level 1

[Q] Piercing Steel

Level 2

[E] Wind Wall

Level 3

[W] Catnip

Level 4

[Q] Piercing Steel

Level 5

[R] Final Hour

Level 6

[Q] Piercing Steel

Level 7

[W] Catnip

Level 8

[E] Wind Wall

Level 9

For guidance on handling pets, Franklin Mecconline offers valuable tips. In a recent article, experts provide insights on how to handle snakes, such as Yumi Sin. Additionally, they share techniques for keeping your feline friend fit and healthy. Visit the website to access these comprehensive guides and ensure the well-being of your beloved companions.

[Q] Piercing Steel

Level 10

[R] Final Hour

Level 11

[E] Wind Wall

Level 12

[W] Catnip

Level 13

[E] Wind Wall

Level 14

[Q] Piercing Steel

Level 15

[R] Final Hour

Level 16

[W] Catnip

Level 17

[Q] Piercing Steel

Level 18

[E] Wind Wall

Level 19

[Q] Piercing SteelRationale: Maxing [Q] Piercing Steel first increases Yumi Sin’s damage output, making last-hitting and harassing easier. [E] Wind Wall is prioritized next for its defensive capabilities, blocking projectiles and reducing enemy aggression. [W] Catnip provides sustain and utility, and is leveled later to balance damage and support.


Level 1

[Q] Purrfect Shot

Level 2

[E] Static Shock

Level 3

[W] Feline Grace

According to Franklin Mecconline , there are various ways to handle a snake named Yumi Sin and a cat named Fit Kitty. One method involves approaching the snake calmly and slowly, avoiding sudden movements. Another technique is to gently lift the snake from behind its head, supporting its body with the other hand.

When handling the cat , it’s recommended to approach it from the side and avoid reaching over its head. For a more detailed guide , refer to the Mecconline website.

Level 4

[Q] Purrfect Shot

Level 5

[R] Catnap

Level 6

[Q] Purrfect Shot

Level 7

[W] Feline Grace

Level 8

[E] Static Shock

Level 9

[Q] Purrfect Shot

Level 10

[R] Catnap

Level 11

[E] Static Shock

Level 12

[W] Feline Grace

Level 13

[E] Static Shock

Level 14

[Q] Purrfect Shot

Level 15

[R] Catnap

Level 16

[W] Feline Grace

Level 17

[Q] Purrfect Shot

Level 18

[E] Static Shock

Level 19

[Q] Purrfect ShotRationale: Maxing [Q] Purrfect Shot first provides Kitty with poke and wave clear. [E] Static Shock is leveled next for its damage and slow, enhancing Kitty’s harass and engage potential. [W] Feline Grace is leveled later to balance damage and mobility.

Laning Strategies

In the laning phase, Yumi Sin and Kitty excel at controlling minion waves and harassing opponents while avoiding ganks. By understanding the fundamentals of wave management and utilizing their abilities effectively, players can establish lane dominance and snowball the game.

Minion Wave Management

Yumi Sin’s [Piercing Darts] allows her to clear waves quickly and safely, while Kitty’s [Frisky] grants her mobility to dodge enemy attacks. By manipulating the wave position, Yumi Sin can set up ganks for her jungler or deny the enemy team access to minions.

Harassing Opponents

Kitty’s [Scratch] and [Leap] provide constant harassment, forcing opponents to stay under their tower. Yumi Sin’s [Piercing Darts] can be used to poke enemies from a distance, while her [Feline Grace] gives her increased movement speed to chase down opponents.

Avoiding Ganks

With Kitty’s [Frisky], Yumi Sin has excellent vision control and mobility. By placing wards and constantly moving around the lane, they can avoid ganks and maintain lane control.

Team Fight Strategies

Yumi Sin and Kitty excel in team fights due to their combined crowd control, healing, and damage output. Yumi Sin’s ultimate, “Final Hour,” provides a powerful shield and knock-up, while Kitty’s “Purrfect Form” transforms her into a fearsome fighter.

Positioning and Target Prioritization

In team fights, Yumi Sin should position herself in the backline, providing support and protection to her team. Kitty should stay close to Yumi Sin, using her abilities to disrupt and damage enemy champions. Yumi Sin should prioritize shielding high-value targets like the ADC or mid-laner, while Kitty should focus on taking down squishy targets like enemy supports or assassins.

Countering Enemy Team Compositions

Against teams with heavy engage, Yumi Sin and Kitty should focus on peeling for their carries. Yumi Sin’s ultimate can interrupt enemy initiations, while Kitty’s “Charm” can slow down advancing enemies. Against teams with high burst damage, Yumi Sin and Kitty should prioritize healing and protecting their team.

Kitty’s “Purrfect Form” can provide a significant amount of healing, while Yumi Sin’s “Astral Blessing” can shield against burst damage.

Macro Strategies

Yumi Sin and Kitty players must prioritize objectives to gain an advantage over their opponents. Objectives include securing neutral objectives like Rift Herald and Dragon, as well as taking down enemy towers and inhibitors. Establishing vision control through wards is crucial for map awareness and preventing enemy ganks or ambushes.


Effective decision-making is key for Yumi Sin and Kitty players. They must assess the game state, including team compositions, objective control, and enemy positioning, to make informed decisions. Communication with teammates is essential to coordinate plays, such as setting up ganks or securing objectives.

Advanced Techniques

Advanced techniques can significantly enhance the effectiveness of Yumi Sin and Kitty in gameplay. These techniques require precise timing, mechanical skill, and a deep understanding of the champions’ abilities.

Understanding and mastering these techniques will enable players to outplay opponents, secure objectives, and dominate team fights.

Wall Jumps

Wall jumps allow Yumi Sin to scale walls and gain access to areas that would otherwise be inaccessible. This technique is particularly useful for escaping ganks, chasing down enemies, or securing objectives.

To perform a wall jump, Yumi Sin must use her [Q] ability to dash towards a wall and then immediately activate her [E] ability to leap over the wall.

Flash Plays

Flash plays involve using Yumi Sin’s [Flash] summoner spell to extend the range of her abilities or to reposition herself during a fight.

One common flash play is to use [Flash] to extend the range of Yumi Sin’s [Q] ability, allowing her to hit enemies from a greater distance.

Item Combos

Item combos involve using Yumi Sin’s items in conjunction with her abilities to create powerful effects.

One effective item combo is to use [Blade of the Ruined King] to slow an enemy and then follow up with [Youmuu’s Ghostblade] to increase her attack speed and movement speed.

Common Mistakes

Identifying and rectifying common errors made by Yumi Sin and Kitty players is crucial for maximizing their potential. Understanding the consequences of these mistakes and implementing corrective measures can significantly enhance gameplay.


A common mistake is improper positioning during laning and team fights. Yumi Sin and Kitty are highly vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage. Mispositioning can result in them being easily targeted and eliminated, hindering their ability to support their team effectively.

To avoid this, Yumi Sin should stay behind her allies, utilizing her long-range abilities to harass opponents while minimizing her own exposure. Kitty should prioritize staying near Yumi Sin for protection and using her mobility to engage or disengage as needed.

Inefficient Use of Abilities

Another common mistake is the inefficient use of abilities. Yumi Sin’s abilities have specific roles and should be utilized accordingly. Using her ultimate, “Final Hour,” at the wrong time can waste a crucial escape or engage opportunity.

Kitty’s abilities should be used in combination to maximize their impact. Her “Pix, Faerie Protector” ability can enhance Yumi Sin’s damage output, while her “Bounce” ability can be used to interrupt enemy abilities or engage targets.


Overextending is a common mistake made by aggressive Yumi Sin and Kitty players. Attempting to engage or chase opponents without proper backup can lead to them being isolated and vulnerable to enemy retaliation.

To avoid this, it’s crucial to assess the situation and ensure there is sufficient support before committing to extended engagements. Staying within range of allies and communicating with the team is essential for minimizing the risk of overextending.

Conclusive Thoughts

From laning strategies to team fight tactics, this guide equips you with the knowledge and techniques to master Yumi Sin and Kitty. As you delve deeper, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of their potential, allowing you to unleash their full power and conquer the Rift.

Clarifying Questions

What are the key strengths of Yumi Sin?

Yumi Sin excels in mobility, damage output, and crowd control, making him a formidable threat in team fights.

How can I effectively utilize Kitty’s abilities?

Kitty’s abilities provide healing, shields, and crowd control. Use them strategically to support your team and disrupt enemy engagements.

What is the optimal itemization for Yumi Sin and Kitty?

The optimal itemization depends on the enemy team composition. However, core items for Yumi Sin include Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge, while Kitty benefits from items like Mikael’s Crucible and Redemption.

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About the Author: Jason